Social Media Policy
1. Use common sense: Use your best judgment at all times. If
you’re uncertain if something is inappropriate or questionable,
don’t post it.
2. Mind your manners: Be respectful, kind and civil. You should
not tolerate discrimination or hateful comments about anyone,
including your rivals.
3. Be human: Use your own voice; speak in a warm, approachable tone and most importantly, be yourself. Anything posted on the behalf of your club is permanent and a reflection of the club and its members.
4. Respect copyrights and fair use: Always give people proper
credit for their work, and make sure you have the right to use
something before you publish, for example – match photographs
taken by someone else.
5. Be aware of condentiality: Only reference information that
is publically available. Do not disclose any information that is
condential without prior consent. For example – a personal
telephone number of a coach.
6. Security: Social media accounts should be created using an
official club email address, which a designated individual
should have responsibility for. Passwords should be protected
and any suspicions of account hacking should be raised wih
the social media platform immediately.
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